
Kzenon is a microstock photographer based in Munich, Germany (yes, the town with the Oktoberfest and the Hofbräuhaus) but part of the year also living in Jakarta or elsewhere.

Kzenon is a lawyer by training and also has a law practice specialised in media and copyright law. Occasionally he is also working as an author and has published several books. Kzenon does not do any commercial shoots outside the stock world.

Hundreds of thousands of his stock photos have been licensed by businesses around the world. You may have seen Kzenon’s work in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, CD covers, Flyers, and other advertising material, in TV, and even in a real Hollywood movie (“Faster” if you’re interested).


Some more information

  • Promo for my 2016 workshop on microstock photography in Warsaw / Poland (I am saying a few – very few – interesting things)
  • Teaser for my 2016 speech at the Re:publica 2016 in Berlin on legal, political, economical, and artistic issues of microstock photography
  • Interview on some interesting microstock topics with Fotolia / Adobe


And a press kit

(okay, here WILL BE a press kit – spacetime is a continuum)