Vacation Photo Tip #5: be inspired
In the last Vacation Photo Tip #4 we marveled at new things we could try in our photography while we are vacationing. So it makes Continue
for you having tasted the fruit (of photography, that is)
In the last Vacation Photo Tip #4 we marveled at new things we could try in our photography while we are vacationing. So it makes Continue
In the wonderful Photosynthesis, Sofia. Recommended place.
Cannot wait to move into the most creative space Sofia has to offer!
In Vacation Photo Tip #3 we rather esoterically looked into the matter of time in photography and found out that we never seem to have Continue
At our shoot of traditional Bulgarian crafts. No pix allowed!
…for the Friday shoot. And on super short notice.
Mostly like this: meeting the boys organizing things while having food in the Orisha bar.
This is a test. Mobile works. Splendid.
My tip #2 for taking better vacation photos was concerned with what to pack and bring and how to keep all your equipment portable. Today Continue
Maybe you are familiar with the phenomenon that people surround themselves with other people who are, basically, like themselves. I am a lawyer beside being Continue